Black Cat Appreciation Day?!

beautiful black cat

How did I miss this?

Okay, the truth is, I didn’t miss it. August 17th is Black Cat Appreciation Day, and like practically all other news and current events, I learned about it on Twitter.

Nonetheless, as the person claimed by one exceedingly lovely 15-year-old black cat, I am somewhat flummoxed and embarrassed that I didn’t know about this in advance. However, I did manage to squeeze a few snaps into today’s timeline…

More kitty blogs!

There’s a “scratching posts” joke here, I think, but I’m not going to make it…

But you can find more posts about kitties by clicking here!

What’s this really about, Brandy?

Well, I planned to write a follow-up to my Elizabeth Krauss post with a piece about her father, John Krauss, but it didn’t quite come together… and here we are. Although the occasional cat pic is part of my brand promise. »^¤^«

However, I do have something important, too. If you don’t subscribe to my novel news alerts (separate from the blog!), then take a peek at my latest message. I’ve got lots of fun news to share, and I don’t want you to miss it–especially the part about the Goodreads giveaway! (There’s still time! Winners to be drawn on Monday!)

Your Turn!

Tell me about your silly pet celebrations! Do you feed your kitty canned food on Christmas? Take your dog for a ride in the car on his birthday? Post pet pics on Twitter “holidays”? Leave a comment!

2 Replies to “Black Cat Appreciation Day?!”

  1. Reblogged this on Writer Site and commented:
    Yesterday was Black Cat Appreciation Day–and I missed it! Blogger Brandy Heineman writes about it in her post. Unfortunately, I was traveling and had been away from my black cats, Pear Blossom and Nakana, as well as Felix and Tiger, for what feels like months.

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